BBA//Fjeldco ranked as a leading Corporate & Commercial firm in Chambers Global for 2023

We are proud to share our ranking as a Leading Firm in Chambers Global for 2023, where we retain our leading position in Corporate & Commercial and seven of our leading experts are ranked for their expertise.

"The partners and senior associates are very experienced at seeing the big picture, drawing out the key items and identifying issues, as well as finding solutions and workarounds as needed."

Our Partners Baldvin Bjorn Haraldsson, Einar Baldvin Arnason, Halldor Karl Halldorsson and Asgeir A Ragnarson are all ranked in Corporate & Commercial, and Thorir Juliusson is noted as “Up & Coming” in Dispute Resolution.

In addition to our high rankings above, the heads of our operations in France and the United Kingdom, Antoine Lochet and Gunnar Thor Thorarinsson, have both been highlighted as “Foreign Experts” by Chambers Global for 2023.

As always, we are grateful to our clients for taking the time to provide such valuable feedback for BBA//Fjeldco to Chambers Global.

For further details, see the full ranking of BBA//Fjeldco in Chambers Global 2023.

We are proud to share our ranking as a Leading Firm in Chambers Global for 2023, where we retain our leading position in Corporate & Commercial and seven of our leading experts are ranked for their expertise.

"The partners and senior associates are very experienced at seeing the big picture, drawing out the key items and identifying issues, as well as finding solutions and workarounds as needed."

Our Partners Baldvin Bjorn Haraldsson, Einar Baldvin Arnason, Halldor Karl Halldorsson and Asgeir A Ragnarson are all ranked in Corporate & Commercial, and Thorir Juliusson is noted as “Up & Coming” in Dispute Resolution.

In addition to our high rankings above, the heads of our operations in France and the United Kingdom, Antoine Lochet and Gunnar Thor Thorarinsson, have both been highlighted as “Foreign Experts” by Chambers Global for 2023.

As always, we are grateful to our clients for taking the time to provide such valuable feedback for BBA//Fjeldco to Chambers Global.

For further details, see the full ranking of BBA//Fjeldco in Chambers Global 2023.

We are proud to share our ranking as a Leading Firm in Chambers Global for 2023, where we retain our leading position in Corporate & Commercial and seven of our leading experts are ranked for their expertise.

"The partners and senior associates are very experienced at seeing the big picture, drawing out the key items and identifying issues, as well as finding solutions and workarounds as needed."

Our Partners Baldvin Bjorn Haraldsson, Einar Baldvin Arnason, Halldor Karl Halldorsson and Asgeir A Ragnarson are all ranked in Corporate & Commercial, and Thorir Juliusson is noted as “Up & Coming” in Dispute Resolution.

In addition to our high rankings above, the heads of our operations in France and the United Kingdom, Antoine Lochet and Gunnar Thor Thorarinsson, have both been highlighted as “Foreign Experts” by Chambers Global for 2023.

As always, we are grateful to our clients for taking the time to provide such valuable feedback for BBA//Fjeldco to Chambers Global.

For further details, see the full ranking of BBA//Fjeldco in Chambers Global 2023.