Utilisation of wind energy in Iceland - New report includes a summary by BBA//Fjeldco on exisiting regulations and legislations in neighbouring countries
A working group on utilisation of wind energy in Iceland presented its report today in a live stream on the Government of Iceland website. The report addresses the various issues and lists the possible options for electricity generation from wind energy in Iceland.
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate instructed BBA//Fjeldco to draft a summary of the existing regulations and legislations on electricity generation from wind energy in various countries and the working group utilised this summary in its work on the report.
The summary closely examines the applicable legislation in Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Scotland, as well as France, the Netherlands and Sweden. In the preparation for its summary, BBA//Fjeldco sent a standardised questionnaire to industry experts in the countries listed above and worked with Horten Advokatpartnerselskap in Denmark, Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS in Norway, Brodies LLP Solicitors in Scotland and Russell McVeagh in New Zealand.
A working group on utilisation of wind energy in Iceland presented its report today in a live stream on the Government of Iceland website. The report addresses the various issues and lists the possible options for electricity generation from wind energy in Iceland.
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate instructed BBA//Fjeldco to draft a summary of the existing regulations and legislations on electricity generation from wind energy in various countries and the working group utilised this summary in its work on the report.
The summary closely examines the applicable legislation in Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Scotland, as well as France, the Netherlands and Sweden. In the preparation for its summary, BBA//Fjeldco sent a standardised questionnaire to industry experts in the countries listed above and worked with Horten Advokatpartnerselskap in Denmark, Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS in Norway, Brodies LLP Solicitors in Scotland and Russell McVeagh in New Zealand.
A working group on utilisation of wind energy in Iceland presented its report today in a live stream on the Government of Iceland website. The report addresses the various issues and lists the possible options for electricity generation from wind energy in Iceland.
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate instructed BBA//Fjeldco to draft a summary of the existing regulations and legislations on electricity generation from wind energy in various countries and the working group utilised this summary in its work on the report.
The summary closely examines the applicable legislation in Denmark, Norway, New Zealand and Scotland, as well as France, the Netherlands and Sweden. In the preparation for its summary, BBA//Fjeldco sent a standardised questionnaire to industry experts in the countries listed above and worked with Horten Advokatpartnerselskap in Denmark, Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS in Norway, Brodies LLP Solicitors in Scotland and Russell McVeagh in New Zealand.